Bioresonance treatment uses the MORA and Skenar (or Scenar) equipment to identify distortions or obstructions in the body's energy fields and in its meridians or information transmission paths.
Clinical Hypnotherapy uses deep relaxation to induce an altered state of consciousness in which one can draw on the vast resources of the sub-conscious mind in a way which is not usually possible in the working state.
Many people, both young and old, have either long-standing back or postural problems, or have more recent short term problems resulting from mishap. Spinal Touch is a gentle way to work on these, and can be a welcome alternative to treatment using manipulation.
Richard Murphy has had an interest and involvement in therapeutic work since the 1970's. This has given him many years in which to select those he practices today. Richard uses a combination of long-established techniques, like hypnosis, and very new therapies, such as Mora, Skenar (or Scenar), and Spinal Touch. This gives the flexibility to be able to respond to the widest possible range of human needs. Please see the Services page for more details regarding the therapies and their applications.