I believe that the treatments I offer are some of the most versatile and effective in the complementary field. I also value highly the orthodox medical services, and believe that the two approaches can and should run alongside each other, as they both have valuable and distinctive contributions to make to our health. So I encourage those who use complementary therapies to consult their doctor too, have standard physical tests and examinations, and to discuss their hypnotherapy or bioenergetic treatment with their doctor, wherever possible.
Please note that I do not treat cancer, though I may be able to offer bioenergetic support during your oncological treatment.
Bioenergetic medicine and (by some) hypnotherapy are not considered to be part of orthodox medicine. I will offer you what I feel to be the best advice and treatment I can, based on the evidence I obtain; but no treatment works for every person, or in every situation, and therefore no guarantee can be given that treatment will be effective in every case.
Please try to arrive 15 minutes early for your appointment, to allow yourself time to relax and settle. This is important for both hypnotherapy or bioresonance treatments. If you arrive late for an appointment, I will do my best to accommodate you, but other appointments may make it impossible to give you the normal length of appointment, or any appointment at all.
If you have to cancel an appointment or postpone it, please give me as much notice as you can. As it can be difficult to re-fill appointments at short notice, I ask you to pay me in full for appointments cancelled at up to 48 hours notice, and to pay half for appointments cancelled at 48 hours up to 7 days ahead. I do not enjoy doing this, but it is unfortunately necessary if I am to keep charges down as far as possible, so please give me maximum notice of cancellation or postponement.
You are reminded that as far as Skenar treatment is concerned, a cardiac pacemaker or other electrical implant is an absolute contra-indication to treatment; and that you should make it known to me if you have, or have had, a tumour or cancer, or suffer from a heart problem, gastric ulcer, thrombosis, or are pregnant.
Pegasus Centre,
35 Fore Street,
TA21 8AG
01404 891688