It is a system of assessment of the stress patterns in the acupuncture meridians, and of treatment through the filtering and return of the electromagnetic signals of the patient’s own body field, or the introduction of additional signals to replace any that are lacking. This has the effect of regulating the flow of the life force (Chi, etc) in the patient, and hence of improving their health. According to the long history and experience of acupuncture and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), if this is carried out, the patient should be well, and will resist illness and disease, and even to some extent environmental toxins.
The primary means of treatment is through the acupuncture points and system. Acupuncturists use needles to treat, but bioresonance therapists use an instrument which will detect the electrical resistance of each point and adjust this where necessary so that the whole system is as harmonious and smoothly functioning as possible. Points can also be stimulated in many other ways – colour, ultraviolet, infra-red, pressure or electromagnetism, for example. But the bioresonance technique is effective and remarkably gentle.
Most people (including me) usually don’t, but quite a number do, and some can be remarkably sensitive to the character and dynamic of the treatment. Both for them and others, though, it is a gentle and relaxing treatment. Many feel sleepy as the treatment proceeds, but this apart, they may not feel it at all.
On the other hand, if not the treatment, you will feel the assessment! The instrument probe must be pressed on the acupuncture point, and in the basic assessment mode (known as the Voll test) this is always apparent. Where points (and their corresponding organs) are already inflamed or irritated, this can sometimes be a little uncomfortable. Usually, as the treatments progress, the points become less sensitive.
In Keith Scott-Mumby’s book Virtual Medicine, he gives a slightly amended version of Martin Brugeman’s answer to this question. It is an excellent summary:-
1. In and around the human body there are electromagnetic oscillations. These oscillations are superordinate to the biochemical processes going on in the tissues and are the real control mechanism of tissue function.
2. As well as physiological oscillations there are also pathological interfering oscillations in every person, caused by toxin overload, injury, infection, unresolved disease processes and psychologically negative states (so called emotional toxins).
3. Both natural and pathological oscillations can be picked up from the skin surface (antenna effect) and led to a suitably tuned therapeutic device.
4. The mixed oscillations from the patient can be modulated in three main ways: (a) healthy signals amplified; (b) pathological signals inverted and (thus cancelled out) and (c) filtered, to separate the desirable frequencies from the pathological ones (the latter are of course, eliminated in this process).
5. No technologically-generated artificial frequencies are needed; only oscillations from the patient which have been modified as given in 4. The basic aim is to strengthen the good oscillations and eliminate the unwanted ones.
6. The body takes its cue from the modulated therapeutic signals and continues to produce enhanced physiological signals and appears to reprogramme itself so that in future a renewal of the pathological signals is guarded against. Thus the treated harmonious levels of electromagnetic energy go beyond the merely temporary stage of treatment sessions.
7. Beneficial changes in the energy field are followed by a subsequent modification and improvement in biochemical function and physical structure.
8. Bioresonance therapy is successful when the body’s own endogenous regulatory forces reassert control and lead to normalization and maintained health.
Each session will probably take between one and a half and two hours.
The number of sessions is not predictable, but depends on a combination of the nature and severity of the complaint, and the constitution and response to treatment of each individual. As usual it is likely that treatments will be relatively close together to start with and progressively spaced further apart.
However, in bioresonance treatment (unlike Skenar, for example), it is normal practice to make drops or pills during the treatment which the patient can take home and take regularly. This is a way of continuing the treatment so that visits to the practitioner can be less frequent than would otherwise be necessary.
The therapy can stand on its own. But your bioresonance practitioner may well suggest you do other things to maximise the effectiveness of the treatment, and improve your well-being. Such things could be of many kinds, but might well include:-
As with the other therapies, and for the same reasons, (see under hypnotherapy) a wide range. Bioresonance therapy is trying to address the causal levels of the energy system, where any one cause may result in several or many sets of symptoms in different individuals; and conversely, any set of symptoms, or syndrome, may have very varied causes in different people. Below is a partial list of conditions to which it has been applied, and/or for which treatment protocols exist.
Bacterial infection
Biliary Dyskinesia
Cold Sores
Ear infections
Electromagnetics Stress
Endocrine problems
Eye problems
Internal parasites
Liver congestion
Lung and chest complaints
Menopausal problems
Menstrual complaints
Muscular problems
Psychological exhaustion
Skin conditions
Thyroid activity imbalance
Varicose Veins